🤖 Young Brits Love AI

🤖 Youngs love it and the elders need training 🤖

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Young Brits love AI

A study by Ofcom found that generative AI is growing in popularity, particularly among young Brits. Technologies such as ChatGPT or Snapchat My AI are used by 79% of youth aged 13-17 and 40% of children aged 7-12. Among adult users (16 years and over), only 31% use AI, and 24% of them do not understand this technology thoroughly. Snapchat My AI is a favorite among kids and teens, while adults are drawn to ChatGPT. Generative AI is used primarily for play, followed by work and learning.

So it looks like AI is winning the hearts of young Brits faster than adults' ability to understand what the technology actually is. Maybe it's time for universal courses for older generations?

US warns UAE

American intelligence agencies are warning against the United Arab Emirates company G42 in the context of its work on artificial intelligence in cooperation with large Chinese companies, including Huawei. G42 publicly announced cooperation, among others: with AstraZeneca and OpenAI. However, confidential intelligence reports raise concerns about its ties to Chinese entities, potential technology transfers and data sharing. The Biden administration has urged the G42 to sever Chinese ties, and the UAE faces a choice between the US and China in the field of new technologies.

As in politics, some companies have a knack for striking friendly deals with everyone from American agencies to Chinese corporations. But is it in their best interest?

Politics is taking on AI

The new international agreement, covering the United States, Great Britain and several other countries, aims to ensure security in the field of artificial intelligence. Although it is not legally binding, it highlights the importance of creating secure AI systems, monitoring their performance, protecting data and verifying software vendors. This is a step towards secure AI design, taken by countries such as Germany, Italy and Poland to combat potential threats, such as from hackers.

I don't trust politicians and it's hard for me to judge whether someone here is trying to pretend or is actually concerned about our digital security.


Deepfiction - This platform creates beautiful stories - from action-packed adventures to deep, mature tales. Here you will find entertainment that is perfectly tailored to your preferences.

Storynest - Here, creating stunning novels and short stories becomes child's play. Storynest isn't just about writing - you can also talk and interact with your own characters.

Moonbeam - It is an AI assistant for writing longer forms, e.g. articles and blogs.


Check how Chat will handle creating a story:

Write a story about a man who wakes up one day and discovers that he is the last person on earth. He must face the challenges of survival in a post-apocalyptic world while dealing with the isolation and loneliness of being the only human left.