Visa sees everything

Visa sees everything

Visa uses AI to monitor 76,000 transactions per second, in more than 200 countries. The technology is particularly effective in protecting credit card users from hackers and fraudsters trying to steal money, ensuring the security of financial transactions in real time.

Monitoring such a volume of transactions is truly no mean feat, while some people have trouble even keeping an eye on their own wallets.

GPT Store

OpenAI is opening the GPT Store, a platform for users to sell and share their own AI chatbots created using the GPT-4 model.

This initiative opens the door for developers to explore and share their chatbots, further accelerating AI development.


Perplexity AI, an AI-based search engine, challenges Google's dominance of the search engine market with its unique features. These include direct search responses; a conversational search model for more natural interaction; and no ads.

To jump into the ring with Google alone is no small feat. We'll see how it goes next.

Dectopus - the best presentation generator on the market.

Slidespeak - you upload your presentation and in a few moments get a summary and answers to your questions.

Do you want to create a perfect presentation?

ChatGPT will help you create super slides:

Step 1: Briefly describe the topic of your presentation and its main points.

Step 2: Ask for suggestions, such as: "What key points should I emphasize?" or "Can you suggest a fun way to open my presentation?". If you already have slides, try pasting the text and ask for revisions based on audience, criteria, goals, etc.

Step 3: Ask Chat for help: "What type of visualization or chart will best represent this data?" or "Suggest a related analogy for this concept." You can even generate charts using the ChatGPT code interpreter and visualizations using a tool like Midjourney.