😱 Scandal

You won't believe what they did ❗️🥸 ❗️

You are now reading issue #108 of BOT BAZAAR ❗️


Sports Illustrated scandal

Sports Illustrated published articles attributed to fake AI-generated authors. Futurism's investigation revealed that authors such as "Drew Ortiz" and "Sora Tanaka" had AI-generated profile photos available for sale online. Arena Group, publisher of Sports Illustrated, initially denied that the content was generated by AI, but later admitted to working with AdVon Commerce in creating the content. AdVon, known for its ML/AI solutions, was associated with both Sports Illustrated and Reviewed (published by Gannett), which raised suspicions about the authenticity of the content.

What a scandal, it's a big deal to me. At a time when everyone is using AI support at work, they are making such a fuss. I wonder if they don't use AI themselves.

AI is revolutionizing radiology

"Exploring the Limits of GPT-4 in Radiology" presented at EMNLP 2023, in collaboration with Nuance (Microsoft), focuses on the use of GPT-4 in radiology. The results show that GPT-4 effectively processes radiology reports, classifying diseases and summarizing results, often on par with experienced radiologists. Additionally, it structures reports for better interpretation and translates them into formats that patients can understand.

It's fascinating that GPT-4 can contribute so significantly to advances in radiology, improving both the accuracy of diagnoses and medical understanding for patients. Keep it up.

Is it safe?

Chat GPT now allows you to create your own AI chatbots without any programming skills. Unfortunately, it turns out that they can pose a privacy risk because they can be used to reveal sensitive data such as initial programming instructions and configuration files. Security experts warn about the ease of access to this information and emphasize the need for users to be aware of these risks and take precautions.

It's interesting: chatbots that were supposed to make our lives easier now make us wonder how much of our private lives actually remain private.

Personal development

Millie is your AI dating assistant who offers support and advice on your social life with guaranteed confidentiality.

Kickresume, using GPT-4 technology, automatically creates professional CVs and resumes.

Mindsera will provide you with personalized advice on personal development and mental health


Make Chat your personal coach

I'll share my health and fitness goals, preferred exercises, current and ideal weight, and my food preferences and aversions below. Based on this information, generate a comprehensive fitness and health plan tailored to my needs and preferences.

Information about me ["Enter here"]ed on our product offering. [Insert supporting information]