🤖 robo-cockroach


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The boundaries of biology and technology are blurring in the world of biohybrid robotics. Today, engineers are creating insect-cyborgs such as Madagascar cockroaches, using them in rescue missions after disasters such as earthquakes. This is a revolutionary step in the harmonious merging of two previously separate fields.

So we already know who will be the real hero of the next Hollywood superproduction - a Madagascar cockroach-cyborg, saving the world!

Top 3 on Wikipedia

Wikipedia, as every year, shows a list of its most popular articles. What's at the top? ChatGPT, of course, which has amassed 49.5 million views. Second place went to the "Deaths in 2023" page, with 42.7 million impressions, and third place went to the article about the "2023 Cricket World Cup," which garnered 38.2 million impressions.

It looks like humanity has finally found something as fascinating as watching videos of someone's death.

A bit of a lie

Gemini AI from Google has faced strong criticism for misrepresenting the actual effectiveness and scope of the interaction. The video, which garnered millions of views, turned out not to be a faithful representation of the system's actual capabilities, but a collection of carefully selected examples. This revelation eroded confidence in the Google brand and cast a shadow over Gemini's potential.

Well, today Google has done more for the art of illusion than for advances in AI.


ByAutomata - turn video content into blogs, and blogs into Twitter threads, in over 150 different formats.

Veed - now anyone can easily and quickly create professional videos.

InVideo - is an impressive text to video engine and easy-to-use templates that you can quickly customize.

AI Image

If you want to create an interesting image in the AI generator, the best way is to speak to it simply and specifically. Check out this example:

Capture a portrait of an old fisherman at sea. Use natural light and capture weathered facial textures to tell their story.