Predicting Image Geolocations (PIGEON), created by Stanford students, was originally designed to identify photo locations. It was originally intended to work with Google Street View images, but it turned out that it could also accurately guess the locations of previously unknown images. PIGEON has shown remarkable accuracy, correctly identifying a country 92% of the time and locating an object within a 25 km radius more than 40% of the time.

This is a bit worrying from the point of view of maintaining online privacy, as traditional security measures such as hiding house numbers or street names may no longer be enough.

GitHub is riding the AI wave

GitHub is actively integrating AI into its cybersecurity strategies: over the past year, they have added more than 70 new features, including proactive identification of security vulnerabilities early in the coding process. This initiative is having a significant impact on open-source developers and public repositories, providing even more secure coding practices.

The 70 new features sound impressive, but are they really all useful?

Agriculture AI

AI in agriculture is a true AI breakthrough. Today, it includes technologies such as precision seeding, soil analysis, fertilization and irrigation systems. In the U.S., laser weed control machines are already being used. Satellite positioning and sensors to detect hazards are playing a key role. AI analyzes data from a variety of sources, making it possible to detect diseases and pests.

It seems that agriculture is entering the digital age with more momentum than many technology industries. Maybe it's time for our tractors to start tweeting about the condition of crops, instead of just plowing the fields!


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Learn the boring stuff

Sometimes we need to learn something that is very boring. There is a solution for this

Summarize {scientific theory} in a fun and engaging way for {the target audience}.