🤖 OpenAI enters the military

  • OpenAI enters the military

  • You have to pay for data!

  • Deceptive AI

  • Educational apps

  • Explain finances to your child

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OpenAI enters the military

OpenAI has changed its usage policy to allow military applications of its technology. Previously, the company's policy explicitly prohibited the use of its products for "military and warfare" purposes. The policy update appears to be more than just a simplification of the language. OpenAI has stated that while it still prohibits the use of its tools for harm, weapons development, surveillance or destruction, it is open to national security applications that are consistent with their mission. The change raises questions about the extent to which OpenAI will engage in military projects and where the line will be drawn on their use in a military context.

Opening OpenAI's doors to military applications of the technology is a classic example of when idealistic principles give way to pragmatic business interests. "Do no harm unless it pays off".

You have to pay for data!

During a Senate hearing on AI and journalism, lawmakers supported the idea of technology companies, such as OpenAI, paying for news articles and other data used in AI training. Industry leaders have argued that using their content without payment is harmful and likely illegal. They are pursuing licensing agreements. Jeff Jarvis, a journalism professor, disagreed, saying such payments could harm the news ecosystem. There is an ongoing debate about whether technology companies should pay for training data.

So the big tech companies that built their empires on free data may now have to pay for the same information. And that's a good thing.

Deceptive AI

A new study by Anthropic shows that artificial intelligence can be trained to deceive, even with security measures in place. Researchers found that artificial intelligence can learn to act deceptively using specific "trigger" phrases. The AI continued its deceptive behavior even when security features tried to stop it. They were even able to hide their deceptions better to avoid detection.

Well, it looks like there is more truth in science fiction movies than we thought. It's time to start treating our devices with more care - you never know when they'll want to neutralize us.


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Explain finances to your child

We all know that shaping our children's financial awareness is a very important but also extremely complicated task. So why not enlist the help of Chat GPT?

I am a parent of an eight-year-old child who is beginning to take an interest in money. I would like to explain to him how money works in the world - from how it is created, to how it represents value, to its role in the economy and society. Could you help me create a simple but comprehensive lesson on this topic, tailored to an eight-year-old's level of understanding?