🫑 the most moral

AI the most moral πŸ”₯

AI cures cancer πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

AI almost AGI πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯ it is a strong end of the week πŸ”₯

You are now reading issue #104 of BOT BAZAAR ❗️


GPT-4 prevails in morality

An interesting study titled "Evaluating GPT-4 on the ETHICS dataset" by Sergei Rodinov has come out. It proves that GPT-4 shows a higher level of understanding of moral issues compared to other artificial intelligence models such as ALBERT-xxlarge. The study highlights the crucial importance developing artificial intelligence in line with human values, raising issues of transparency and responsibility in the process of creating ethical AI. It indicates progress in adapting AI to human moral standards, while drawing attention to the challenges of maintaining consistency and the risk of manipulation.

The interesting thing is that machines learn ethics from humans, while some humans could learn ethics from machines.

AI in oncology

University of Florida Health researchers used machine learning and advanced liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) to better evaluate meningiomas, a type of brain tumor. In a study published in the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, they showed how this combination could better characterize tumors and distinguish between their stages. By analyzing 85 samples, they identified unique biomarkers for each tumor. Machine learning integration allowed for faster and more accurate data analysis, achieving an initial accuracy of 87%. This progress is part of a broader trend in the use of AI in oncology, as demonstrated by MD Anderson Cancer Center's new Oncology Data Science Institute.

This is a truly impressive step forward in precision oncology, opening new possibilities for better understanding and treating this disease.

A breakthrough on the way to AGI

OpenAI has made a breakthrough discovery in the field of artificial intelligence that may pose risks to humanity. And the company's CEO, Sam Altman, was removed from his position after receiving a letter warning about this discovery from a group of researchers. The letter highlighted concerns about the accelerated commercialization of AI technology and mentioned the mysterious Q* project, which could be a stepping stone towards creating artificial general intelligence (AGI).

There is no additional information about the Q* project at this time.


This is a tool intended for doctors to facilitate the generation of diagnoses and clinical plans. Glass offers an extensive medical library and acts as an assistant, using artificial intelligence to manage and share medical knowledge.

It is an advanced artificial intelligence-based generator that answers questions related to science and health. This tool can search for specific content in Dr. Huberman's materials, providing YouTube links with relevant snippets for further exploration of the topic.

This tool offers personalized learning materials and exercises that are tailored to students' individual needs and interests. To Teach helps you create the perfect content, worksheets and lesson plans, making teachers' work much easier.


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