😎 Helping the blind

Microsoft is working with Be My Eyes to integrate GPT-4 to help the blind, Forward Health is introducing the CarePod autonomous medical station, and Google is making Bard available to teenagers, expanding access to AI technology.

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Microsoft helps the blind

Microsoft has started working with Be My Eyes, incorporating their tool, Be My AI, into its helpdesk for people with disabilities. By using GPT-4 from OpenAI, this tool helps blind people solve technical problems and perform tasks such as software updates, without the help of another human being. Be My AI uses the GPT-4 vision model to describe photos, which significantly reduces problem-solving time. This integration aims to increase the independence and effectiveness of people with disabilities, consistent with Microsoft's broad commitment to accessibility issues.

I'm impressed. This initiative clearly shows how technology can revolutionize the lives of people with disabilities, opening the door to greater independence and efficiency.

AI medical station

Forward Health, CarePod – an autonomous medical station powered by AI. CarePod allows users to self-administer various medical tests, such as blood tests, throat swabs and blood pressure measurements, without the need to visit a doctor. Thanks to AI, the station offers comprehensive body scans and tests for various diseases, and users can receive prescriptions or advice remotely. The monthly cost is $99, which is intended to make health care more accessible. The company, supported by experts from the technology industry, is already developing a network of facilities in the USA.

CarePod is straight out of a science fiction movie. I wonder when they will enter Poland.

Bard for teenagers

Bard from Google will become available to teenagers. This initiative is part of the company's broader efforts to provide young users with AI technology while ensuring their safety. Bard, which will initially only support English, with a minimum age of use set at 13, will be made available in most countries. There are plans to add additional languages. Google is also introducing an educational video about AI, a double fact-checking feature and special Bard training to avoid inappropriate content.

This is a truly fantastic step towards the educational use of AI and teaching the younger generation how to use the new technology for their needs.


It's a sales assistant that scans your company's sales data and suggests strategic actions, such as focusing on profitable deals, as well as providing insight into the performance of your team and campaigns.

He specializes in finding B2B sales leads, saving time in identifying potential customers and their contact details. It offers a free Chrome extension with advanced features available to paying customers

It is an AI tool that analyzes the patterns and behaviors of sales data to increase efficiency and discover opportunities. It is available as a Google Chrome extension.


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