🥷 hacker attack

Their latest shutdown showed us that today Chat GPT is like electricity, you can't do anything without it.

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Hacker attack

OpenAI has confirmed that a DDoS attack is causing issues with ChatGPT and other developer tools. The problems started after the introduction of new features, but despite attempts to fix the service, interruptions continue to occur. The attack, claimed by the Russian-linked hacker group Anonymous Sudan, involved overloading the website with requests. It is unclear whether Claude chatbot's similar problems are related to this attack.

It seems that Chat is like us and sometimes needs a break from the digital chaos, and a DDoS attack is simply a perfect excuse for a nap. 

Olympus is growing stronger

Amazon is developing an "Olympus" language model that is twice the size of GPT-4. Led by Rohit Prasad, the project aims to improve Amazon's cloud services through advanced AI. Investments in "Olympus" show how important LLMs in AI that mimic human communication are becoming. This fits with Amazon's strategy of focusing on AI and technology while cutting costs in other areas.

Amazon is building 'Olympus', which has twice as many parameters as GPT-4 - because why would you waste time talking to people when you can be misunderstood by AI on a completely new level 🥴

Google is not left behind

Google expands its SGE to 120 countries and adds support for 4 languages, now available in Chrome and the Google app. SGE is introducing new features like additional questions and better translations, as well as tools for coding and health to provide answers directly in search results. Requires registration through Google Search Labs.

You could say that Google is inviting the world to its exclusive SGE club, but only if you agree to enter through the door marked with the Chrome logo.


Cleoit is an AI assistant that has helped 6 million people avoid overdrafts, improve their creditworthiness and plan their budget better.

Company Research Assistant – your personal AI agent that transforms the tedious company research process into an automated and efficient one, delivering a structured and comprehensive report tailored to your needs.

GoMoonBeamIt is a specialized AI writing assistant, trained on specific data, supporting the creation of articles, blog posts and other extensive content.


How about writing a book? Start with this:

Create a fictional novel focusing on [SUBJECT]. It should contain:

- Title: Eye-catching and related to [SUBJECT].

- Plot Summary: A short and intriguing description that piques your interest.

- Detailed chapter outline: A well-thought-out guide to the development of the novel's action.

Make sure the narrative is exciting, rich in detail, with engaging characters and a plot, written with the skill of a best-selling author.