πŸ€– electric car saves lives

  • 🟠 How the car saved the boy

  • 🟠 Manipulation detector

  • 🟠 More layoffs by AI

  • 🟒 Apps for better writing

  • πŸ”΅ Get your dream job with Chat GPT

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Electric car saves lives

After a storm caused a blackout in southeast Queensland, Australia, Kristy Holmes used her electric car, the Atto 3, to power her son's dialysis machine. It seems that electric vehicles are increasingly being used as emergency power sources, and some are even capable of supplying power to the grid.

And they said electric cars were just a fashionable toy for the rich.


McAfee's Project Mockingbird, unveiled at CES 2024, is a breakthrough technology for detecting and countering AI audio manipulation. It uses AI-based models to distinguish authentic audio from AI-generated audio with more than 90% accuracy, tackling the growing threat from sophisticated cybercriminals who use deepfake audio to create convincing scams.

Will this tool really prove effective in the fight against cyber threats? Time will tell.

Lay offs

Duolingo is laying off 10% of its contractors, partly attributing the decision to the increased use of artificial intelligence for content creation and translation tasks. The move sparked a debate on Reddit about the ethical implications of AI replacing human labor.

More AI-driven layoffs to come. But rest assured, as new jobs will be created. I think...


Rytr is a tool that uses advanced machine learning to deliver SEO-friendly content in seconds. Rytr is not only great for checking academic or professional papers for errors, but can also create impressive and unique texts.

Jasper is an AI platform that creates content 10 times faster than you. It generates SEO content, Facebook ads, video scripts - everything you need. 

Dream job

I found an interesting hint on Synthetic Mind that will help you get your dream job with ChatGPT!

Support me in the job application process. I am attaching the job description. Please help me first understand the requirements and responsibilities of the position. Next, please support me in preparing a cover letter based on my professional resume. Finally, please help me prepare for the interview.

Here are the detailed steps:

  1. I ask you to review the job description and isolate the key requirements, my potential responsibilities and any relevant details, including a description of an average work day. In addition, please answer [insert additional questions here]. Do not proceed to step 2 until you receive a "continue" signal from me. This is the job description for [insert description here].

  2. Submit my resume. Please prepare a cover letter using a proven template that has a success rate of over 90%. Wait for step 3 until the "continue" command appears. Here is my resume [insert resume here].

  3. Prepare 10 questions that may be asked during the interview. The questions should be chosen based on those most frequently asked in the field.