Coffee and eggs

Today's Bot Bazaar you will read in 110 seconds, and in it:

🟠 Robots serve coffee and eggs

🟠 And they will replace us in other jobs

🟠 The world's first nautical map

πŸ”΅ 2 apps to support customer service

🟒 Explain finances to your child with Chat GPT


Coffee and eggs

Brett Adcock, CEO of Figure, has announced a revolution in robotics. He presented a video in which their humanoid robot, Figure 01, makes coffee on its own. Another robot, Tesla's Optimus Gen 2, can in turn peel eggs.

It looks like it won't be long before our morning coffees, and perhaps entire breakfasts, will now be prepared and served by robots in offices. Will they also, along with us, complain about Mondays?

We will be replaced

DeepMind combines artificial intelligence with robot control models, enabling robots to understand human goals, multitask and adapt to new environments. Their new system, AutoRT, is guided by a "robot constitution" based on Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, ensuring safety through measures such as automatically stopping when force on joints exceeds a certain threshold. DeepMind has also developed SARA-RT, increasing the performance and speed of robotic transformer models without sacrificing quality.

Will robots soon be able to replace us in every job?

Sea Map

The Global Fishing Watch study created the world's first map of large vessel traffic and maritime infrastructure. Two million gigabytes of satellite data from 2017-2021 were analyzed for this, revealing that about 75 percent of the world's industrial fishing vessels are not publicly tracked, mostly around Africa and South Asia. The study underscores the previously undocumented scale of industrial use of the oceans, showing high concentrations of "dark fleets" in protected areas and the waters of countries where little activity was previously reported. It also found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, global fishing activity decreased by 12%, while offshore energy development, particularly wind turbines, increased dramatically.

This study is crucial to understanding and managing ocean resources, offering a more comprehensive picture of industrial fishing and the potential impacts of marine energy development.

Customer service

Smartly - Your customers are present on more than 8 platforms, but that doesn't mean you have to be there too. Reach and engage your customers with one powerful tool.

Attention - automatically updates your CRM, generates emails and collects call reports.

Explain finances to your child

We all know that shaping the financial awareness of our children is a very important but also extremely complicated task. So why not enlist the help of GPT Chat?

I am a parent of an eight-year-old child who is beginning to take an interest in money. I would like to explain to him how money works in the world - from how it is created, to how it represents value, to its role in the economy and society. Could you help me create a simple but comprehensive lesson on this topic, tailored to an eight-year-old's level of understanding?