🥸 Changes in Meta

🟢 Changes in Meta

🟠 Regulations in the EU

🔵 Free courses in Amazon

You are now reading issue #101 of BOT BAZAAR ❗️


Responsible AI? No longer in Meta

Meta has disbanded its Responsible Artificial Intelligence team, reassigning its members to other AI teams focused on generative AI and infrastructure. The decision, reflecting the company's focus on generative AI, follows previous layoffs and global regulatory efforts in AI. The RAI team was responsible for overseeing AI training, diversity and security to prevent issues like bias. Meta's decision is in line with the trends of other technological giants, e.g. Microsoft.

Meta has clearly favored innovation at the expense of responsibility, relegating its AI ethics experts to teams where their voices will no longer be heard.

New AI regulations in the EU

France, Germany and Italy have proposed a joint strategy for regulating AI in the EU, focusing on voluntary self-regulation rather than mandatory regulation for AI models. They propose the creation of voluntary but binding "model cards" after agreement by AI creators, specifying their capabilities and limitations. The plan also calls for the SI governing body to develop guidelines and monitor these cards. The creation of a European compliance monitoring and breach reporting body is also being considered. This approach aims to regulate the use of AI, promoting innovation and minimizing the risk of discrimination.

I wonder if it will turn out as usual in the European Union, i.e. more recommendations and committees than specific actions.

Free Amazon courses

Amazon has launched "AI Ready", a series of free educational courses about generative AI for adults and young people. They expand on existing AWS training and include eight courses in AI project management and development. By 2025, Amazon plans to train 2 million people in AI, building on the 21 million already trained in AWS skills. Courses focus on generative AI, AI project planning, and Amazon products, and are available on AWS Educate and AWS Skill Builder.

It's good that Amazon finds resources for free AI courses, but it's a pity that it no longer has the funds to keep its employees and just lays them off.


KREA - Create images and videos with an advanced AI-powered design tool.

MUNCH - Select the most captivating parts from your longer recordings

INVIDEO - Make it easier to create videos with ready-made templates that you can easily customize, even if you've never edited video before.

Passive income

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