🤖 ai students

  • 🟠 AI students at University

  • 🟠 Retail has fallen in love with AI

  • 🟠 New drugs from Alphabet

  • 🟢 Human Resources

  • 🔵 Meal plan with GPT Chat

Reading time: 180 seconds

This is the 135th edition of BOT BAZAAR ❗️


AI students

Ferris State University in Michigan is conducting an experiment in which two AI-powered "students," named Ann and Fry, will attend classes with other students. The AI students will interact with classmates and professors via computers, microphones and speakers, participating in discussions and completing assignments. The goal is to understand the students' experiences and the potential of emerging AI technology in education and career paths. The university, known for its AI program, aims to explore the impact of AI on education. AI students will be monitored, and the data collected will be used to evaluate their learning and the university's experience with them.

Super that they are putting such a strong case for the need to carefully consider its impact on the human experience.

Retail has come to love AI

According to a survey conducted by Nvidia, 98% of retailers plan to invest in AI in the next 18 months. Artificial intelligence is having a positive impact on both revenue and operating costs in the retail industry, and key AI use cases include in-store analytics, personalized recommendations and loss prevention.

I don't think there's any turning back now - AI has taken hold in retail for good!

New drugs from Alphabet

Isomorphic Labs, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. has entered into a strategic research partnership with pharmaceutical giants Eli Lilly and Novartis. The partnerships aim to leverage Isomorphic's advanced AI platform for drug development. The collaboration marks a strategic shift in the way pharmaceutical companies are approaching the challenges of developing new therapeutic agents, highlighting the significant role of artificial intelligence in advancing drug discovery.

This collaboration is sure to revolutionize the field of medicinal chemistry and is a promising step forward in treating diseases faster and more effectively.

Human Resources

Loxo is an advanced platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze talent. It streamlines processes, reduces costs and increases productivity. Includes tools such as ATS, CRM, outbound recruiting, data analytics and talent acquisition.

Paradox is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence-based tool dedicated to HR departments. Its main goal is to automate and optimize the recruitment process, from candidate sourcing to hiring.

Meal plan

Save money on a dietitian and compose your personalized meal plan with Chat GPT thanks to this tip.

Prepare a weekly meal plan consisting of [number] meals per day. The plan should include the name of the meal, the list of ingredients, preparation instructions and the number of macronutrients and calorie content. The goal of my plan is [target]. The cost of ingredients should not exceed [amount of PLN] per week. Each recipe should take less than [number] minutes to prepare, trying to use the same ingredients in different recipes. Please omit the following ingredients: [ingredients]. Recipes from the following cuisines are preferred: [list]. Finally, I would like a shopping list with ingredients grouped by category and the approximate cost of each.